Sherri has 40 years experience in the adventure of church planting, pastoring, and family life. She likes to say her first experience in Spiritual Direction was on the road of love and suffering in her battle with Leukemia. She especially enjoys giving leaders and pastors the gift of being listened to, discovering God’s lavish love and care, and unlocking desires buried deep within. Spiritual Direction has helped her move all the clutter and noise of life out of the way to be able to taste, see, and experience the love of the Trinity in an ever increasing way.

Sherri has completed Sustainable Faith’s 2 year School of Spiritual Direction,their training for Spiritual Exercises Accompaniment and Spiritual Direction Supervision training at Creighton University. She also has regularly served with Flourish teams for Vineyard USA’s Pastors’ Sabbath Retreats.

Sherri is married to Mike and together they love 5 sons, a daughter and 6 grandchildren. She loves to be near water any where, hike,kayak, read, play with their grandchildren, and laugh at every opportunity. Most of all she loves reminding herself and others, ‘the best is yet to come’.

To setup an appointment with Sherri, please fill out the form below.