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Pam Gibbs stumbled upon spiritual direction during a crisis of faith precipitated by deep loss and difficult church experiences. She began to read contemplative authors, discovered new and life-giving spiritual practices, and was overwhelmed by the tangible reality of God's love.

Pam is a Certified Spiritual Director, having received her training from Lipscomb University's Institute for Christian Spirituality. She has also had training in healing prayer and has completed a nine month experience of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. A native of Texas, She earned her MDiv from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1997. She also holds BA in Religious Education.

Pam lives outside of Nashville with her husband of almost 20 years and their teenage daughter, who keeps them on their toes. If it's cold outside, you'll Pam curled up with a good mystery and some dark chocolate.

To set up an appointment with Pam, fill out the form below: