
John Grant served in congregational ministry for 30 years, and Spiritual Direction was a lifeline. "In ministry, soul care gets pushed to the bottom of the list. You're always caring for others, but who watches out for you? Spiritual direction has been a safe place to grow as a leader and as a child of God." 

John is the founder of Compassionate Hands, a network of local churches caring for people experiencing homelessness, serving as Executive Director for six years. In 2024, he moved into a ministry coaching role to share his experience with others.  

John trained as a SD at Lipscomb University, where he now trains Spiritual Directors. His education includes a D.Min. in Congregational Leadership from Abilene Christian University. 

John & his wife Amy have lived in Lebanon, Tennessee since 2005. They have three daughters, one son-in-law and two granddaughters.