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The work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life is so precious and individual. As a spiritual director, Jean loves the privilege of coming alongside someone as they seek how God is with them through the good times as well as the hard seasons of life.

As a pastor, Jean noticed that so many people seemed to have trouble working through hurts and disappointments. The spiritual formation that comes through direction was what seemed to be missing. She was very excited first to experience the new ways of being with God through practices learned through direction herself and then to offer the same opportunities to others.

Jean has completed two years of Spiritual Direction training through Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction. Since then, she has been offering Spiritual Direction both through her church, The Vineyard Church of Davenport, as well as in her community. It seems as if God has specifically gifted Jean to be able to see the big picture for people and offer observations that they may not have considered.

As a wife, a pastor, a mom to adults with special needs, and a grandmother, Jean understands how full our lives can become. She loves to help others slow down and see God's work in their lives. How does she personally slow down? She loves long bike rides with her husband, drinking coffee with friends, and taking walks in God's beautiful world.

To set up an appointment with Jean, fill out the form below: