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Spiritual Director Interns have completed all of their training to serve as spiritual directors with Flourishing Leaders and are working toward completing their required hours of individual appointments. 

After many years of Christian growth and service, Glen Anderson turned a period of personal brokenness into a gateway of growth and training to become a certified Spiritual Director.

Glen’s vocational background in management and community service reflect his value for people and the systems which sustain them. His Christian leadership background includes his roles as a deacon who works with the youth ministry and missions in his local Paducah, Kentucky church. He has also served in several global missions efforts and as an elder in this congregation since 1988.

Having completed a two-year program at the Institute of Christian Spirituality at Lipscomb University (under Kris Miller), Glen has gone on to complete a guided nine month experience of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. He has also been trained in Immanuel Prayer, and is currently working on certification through Healing Care Ministries for inner healing prayer ministry. In these regards, Glen serves as clergy in the Emmaus community of western Kentucky.

He and Vicki have been married since 1971 and have two children and four lovely granddaughters. He enjoys the outdoors including hiking, canoeing, and travel – anything that includes exploring and discovery!

To set up an appointment with Glen, fill out the form below: