Clara has been serving Christ since her conversion in 1975. Her life has been one of loving and caring for God’s people, particularly those called into leadership. She has been in senior pastoral ministry alongside her husband since 1996. She and her husband were involved in three church plants (one which failed, so she has a limp). She has ministered to missionaries and church leaders in England, Hungary, Nepal, India, Chile, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Kenya. She completed her Spiritual Direction & Supervision Training through Sustainable Faith and is currently one of their instructors. Clara is currently working on her Masters in Spirituality from Oblate School of Theology. She hopes to beef up on her first language (Spanish) to provide Spiritual Direction and training on Spiritual Direction to the Hispanic community.

She is married to her best friend, Randy, since 1978. Together they love and are loved by five beautiful daughters, five amazing sons-in-laws, and nine fun-filled grandchildren (more on the way). In her spare time, she reads, sews, works on her desert landscape, plays board games with her friends and grandchildren, and walks early in the morning.

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