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Carroll Lane is a Spiritual Director who is honored to create sanctuary space for people to pause, pay attention, and respond to God’s invitations of love, grace, and beauty in their lives.  She has always felt that her path in life would lead her to work with others - to help them improve their health, encourage their growth and strengthen their faith.  Whether working in hospice, volunteering with various ministries, or navigating her family’s adoption journey, she is grateful for how God has given her opportunities to nurture her passion to serve others.

Carroll Lane’s formal education and development include a Master’s in Public Health and a Master’s in Social Work.  She completed a two-year training in Spiritual Direction with The Institute of Christian Spirituality at Lipscomb University and has also been trained through Sustainable Faith to accompany others through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. She also recently completed a course in Spiritual Direction with Children and looks forward to sharing the gifts of spiritual listening and direction with children and adults. Carroll Lane is also a certified Enneagram coach, certified yoga instructor and artist - three more offerings she loves sharing with people in their faith journey.

She and her husband Brad have four children and live in the Memphis area.  When she’s not outside with her family or reading a book, she loves to paint, take walks and laugh with friends.

To set up an appointment with Carroll Lane, fill out the form below: