Angela is a trained spiritual director and staff pastor in her local Vineyard church. She is honored to provide a safe, holy space in spiritual direction, for people to process their own journey with and toward a loving God. She was certified in spiritual direction through Sustainable Faith’s School for Spiritual Direction program in 2020, and she plans to continue sharpening her skills this year (2023) in their Year 3 pilot program. She has been working with directees since 2018 in which time she's had the privilege to serve as a director for lead pastors and ministry leaders in various denominations of the church as well as people going through life transitions, faith crisis, and mental health and medical conditions.

Angela and her husband Rodger planted and pastored a Vineyard church in NC for 13 years, in 2020 they made a hard but necessary transition and now serve together as staff pastors at a Vineyard Church in GA. Her role there is Pastor of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation. She has also served as pastor Area Leader in NC, SC, and GA for Vineyard USA. Over these 16 years, she’s developed an understanding and heart for the joys and unique challenges to pastors and church leaders in ministry. She finds deepest fulfillment in being able to accompany leaders and believers who are experiencing a season of “pressing in”, spiritual dryness, burnout, or darkness in their faith journey. 

To set up an appointment with Angela, fill out the form below: